Welcome To GBM Fellowship South Africa

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This is the Local Church Division of Global Business Ministries in South Africa. See our divisions page for more information about our online ministry divisions

God Has a Pattern for the New Church

Apostle Les D. Crause

Apostles Les and Daphne Crause spent 17 years preparing this pattern while hidden away in Tijuana, Mexico, just south of the United States border. But as South Africans, they still held a burden for the country of their birth, and God told them to return and become an influence in this nation. 

It is time for a new pattern to be implemented in the Church, and God has chosen South Africa to be one of the first nations to fully experience this pattern.

For many years the hub of the world was Great Britain, and that country brought an influence to the nations of the world that is still seen today. Then there arose another world power in the United States, that began to reach out and influence the nations. 

But God has not forgotten Africa. This continent that has faced such an onslaught from the enemy in times past is set to rise up and take its place also in God’s economy.

Building The New Church

Les and Daphne and their team were involved for many years in producing materials to train the members of the Fivefold Ministry. But once the training was complete and the necessary specialist training schools were set in place, the Lord said it was time to build the New Church, using the patterns that He had shown.

Just when we were getting ready to do this, the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world, and immediately put a stop to any form of church-building. This was especially bad in South Africa, where at first no public gathering was permitted, and then later only a limited size of public gatherings, with many restrictions and limitations.

But now that the restrictions have all been lifted, and a new church is about to be born, the Lord has given us the go-ahead to start building a local church here in Johannesburg, South Africa.

This website is dedicated to this new ministry center and you can find out everything you need to know about what we will be doing here from the various pages on the website.

Following the Pattern given by the Lord for building the New Church, the Apostles, Prophets, Fivefold Ministers, and Entrepreneurs of GBM will establish the Church of the future, in which all believers will find their place, and be trained to rise up into all that God has called them to.

Gbm Bookshop

A Ministry For Every Need

As Senior Pastors Les and Daphne flow well in Prophetic and Teaching Ministry and there will be an emphasis on the supernatural power of God in every meeting.

Those who come with a need will leave with their need being met, as God reveals the secrets of the hearts and ministers by the power of the Holy Spirit.

There will be freedom for expression of the Gifts of the Spirit, including tongues, interpretation and prophecy in every meeting.

Worship will play an important part in each meeting with a strong anointing on the worship team as they sing songs written by members of the GBM Ministry Team.

Anyone who has a talent and passion for music or singing will also be encouraged to develop this skill and use it publicly in praise and worship.

Unfulfilled Ministry Calling

There are so many choice servants of the Lord who have a call of God on their life but have never been given the opportunity to fulfill their calling in their local church.

The status quo Church System of the past just does not allow for a church where EVERY BELIEVER has a place to fulfill their ministry.

Many have become disgruntled with the church system and are hiding away in obscurity, waiting for God to bring a change to the Body of Christ.

There are those who are waiting for the New Church to arise. A Church that is filled with power and encourages every member to become active in fulfilling their role. Now the wait is over, and it is time to build that kind of Church.

At GBM Fellowship we will offer you an opportunity to do what you have been burning to do. You will be able to enjoy a powerful ministry with a Prophetic and Teaching orientation, with the power of God manifest to meet every need.

We expect to see God move in mighty power in our midst and perform signs and wonders to show His majesty and glory.  

Partners and Leaders

We are looking for partners who wish to be a part of this new vision, and who are prepared to offer both finances and other support to this work. In return, we offer our partners full access to all our materials and the opportunity for personal ministry from the ministry team of GBM Fellowship.

For more information on this, see our Partners page at http://www.gbm-network.com.

We would also like to meet those who have a call to leadership in the Body of Christ, and who wish to rise up and take their place as Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Pastors, and Evangelists in this area of the world.

We would like to invite you to become part of GBM and oversee churches and Ministry Centers under our banner. For this, we will offer full training and support and a covering of protection and affiliation.

Pray about how God would have you become part of the new Global Business Ministry initiative in South Africa. Then contact us to discuss your future involvement with us. 

Perfecting Your Prophetic Ministry


Branches and Affiliates

GBM Fellowship will become an international organization holding branches in countries around the world. Those who wish to work under our banner as a GBM Branch will be offered the covering and protection of the Fellowship and will be given a pattern to follow for the establishment of a GBM Branch based on the pattern we have set in place.

Those who wish to run their own ministry but be in association with us as Affiliates may do so provided that agree to our pattern and wish to enjoy the benefits of being associated with us.

For more on Branches and Affiliates see the page on this, which you can find from the main menu, or you can go there directly here: https://gbm-sa.com/branches

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