Enroll In This Course

Course Costs

The full cost for this course is ZAR 750.00, or USD 75.00

You will be required to pay the full course cost up front before commencing your studies.

Enrollment Form For This Course

Please complete the application form below so that we can create a student record for you. You will be given the address to make your payment once we have received your application.

Email(Get It Right Or We Cannot Respond):*

WhatsApp No(If you would like to communicate this way):

Gbm Member Password(Case Sensitive - Used For All Logins):*

First Name:*

Last Name:*


Birth Day:*

Birth Month:

Birth Year:*

Marital Status:*



Languages Spoken:

Will Your Spouse Attend Also?

What Other Ministry Courses Have you Done?

What Are Your Aspirations in Ministry?

I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of the School